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Specialist Asbestos Services

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Asbestos Services in Lymm

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Welcome to Asbestos Services, your reliable partner for asbestos management solutions.

We are experts in providing asbestos removal and consultancy services tailored to property developers, construction companies, and building managers, ensuring safety, compliance, and peace of mind.

Explore essential information on asbestos hazards, the importance of professional removal, and the latest regulations governing asbestos management.

Asbestos Services embodies professionalism, safety, and regulatory compliance.

Contact us today for a free consultation or to learn more about our services.

Who Are We?

We are the leading asbestos removal specialists in Lymm, providing licensed asbestos removal services under the umbrella of Smart Asbestos Services. 

Our expertise in asbestos removal is unmatched, ensuring safe and compliant removal of asbestos materials from various structures.

Our team of highly trained professionals has decades of combined experience handling asbestos removal projects of all sizes. Each member of our staff is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of safety and efficiency.

Quality is at the core of everything we do, and our commitment to excellence has solidified our reputation as the go-to choice for asbestos removal services in Lymm. 

Clients trust us for our reliable and thorough approach to removing hazardous asbestos materials while adhering to all relevant regulations and guidelines.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fibre that was extensively used in construction for its heat resistance and durability. 

Asbestos can be found in various forms, such as insulation, tiles, and cement products. However, inhaling asbestos fibres poses serious health risks.

Asbestos fibres are microscopic and easily inhaled, becoming lodged in the lungs, leading to serious health issues like lung cancer and asbestosis. 

Due to its widespread use in the past, many buildings still contain asbestos-containing materials like pipe insulation, ceiling tiles, and roofing slates. 

Special precautions must be taken during renovation or demolition projects to prevent the release of asbestos fibres into the air, as exposure can have long-term detrimental effects on human health. 

Proper asbestos handling and removal by certified professionals are crucial to minimise the risk of asbestos-related diseases.

Where is Asbestos commonly found?

Asbestos is commonly found in various building materials such as asbestos cement, garage roofs, insulation, and other construction materials.

Removal of asbestos-containing materials is crucial to prevent exposure to harmful asbestos fibres.

Asbestos is commonly found in older homes, schools, offices, and industrial buildings.

Asbestos cement, which was widely used to construct walls, ceilings, and floors, is a common source of asbestos exposure. 

Garage roofs, especially in buildings constructed before the 1990s, may also contain asbestos materials.

Insulation in homes and commercial buildings, if not properly monitored, can contain asbestos fibres, posing health risks. 

It is essential to ensure that certified professionals follow proper removal and disposal protocols to safeguard against asbestos-related health issues.

Why Choose Us for Asbestos Removal?

Choose us for your asbestos removal needs because we are a trusted and reliable company with a proven track record of providing top-notch services. Your safety from asbestos exposure is our priority.

Our team of experts is highly skilled and well-equipped to handle all aspects of asbestos removal with precision and care. 

We adhere to the highest safety standards and employ cutting-edge techniques to ensure the complete removal of asbestos from your property. 

Eliminating the risk of asbestos exposure is crucial for your health and well-being and that of your loved ones.

By choosing our company, you are investing in a safer and healthier environment for your home or business.

Our Experience in Asbestos Removal

With years of experience handling various asbestos removal projects, our team of skilled operatives ensures the efficient and thorough removal of asbestos materials from different structures.

Our asbestos removal contractors have successfully completed a wide range of projects, from residential buildings to commercial properties, demonstrating our expertise in the field.

Our team’s dedication and commitment have been pivotal in our ability to effectively manage the complexities and risks associated with asbestos removal services.

Our well-equipped operatives are trained to handle different types of asbestos materials and follow strict safety protocols to guarantee a safe and compliant removal process.

Our Expertise in Asbestos Testing

Our expertise in asbestos testing is unparalleled. We offer comprehensive asbestos surveys, sampling, and testing services to accurately identify the presence of asbestos in various structures.

Our team of highly skilled professionals is well-versed in the intricacies of asbestos identification, utilising state-of-the-art technology and methodologies to ensure precise results.

We inspect buildings and materials through meticulous surveys, adhering to strict regulations and guidelines to guarantee thorough evaluations.

Sampling plays a crucial role in the process, as it allows us to collect and analyse asbestos fibres from different sources, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of potential risks.

Our Commitment to Safety and Compliance

We are dedicated to upholding the highest safety and compliance standards in asbestos removal, following strict asbestos regulations and implementing effective asbestos management practices to ensure the safe abatement of asbestos materials.

Our comprehensive approach to asbestos removal operations encompasses a thorough understanding of the regulatory landscape surrounding asbestos management. 

This entails conducting detailed inspections risk assessments, and developing meticulous abatement plans that prioritise the safety of both our workers and the surrounding environment.

Regulatory compliance is at the core of our operations, and we stay updated on all relevant guidelines and protocols to guarantee adherence to the most stringent standards. 

Our commitment to asbestos management protocols includes proper containment, removal, and disposal procedures, ensuring a controlled and secure asbestos removal process.

Costs of Asbestos Removal in Lymm

The costs associated with asbestos removal in Lymm can vary between £800 – £3,000

These prices are dependent on the scale of the project, the type of asbestos materials involved, and the complexity of the removal process. Contact us for a detailed assessment and quote tailored to your specific asbestos removal needs.

If you would like a more accurate quote get in touch with a member of our team today.

Our Asbestos Removal Services

Our comprehensive asbestos removal services include asbestos surveys, safe removal and disposal of asbestos materials, and specialised encapsulation and enclosure techniques to contain asbestos hazards effectively.

Asbestos Survey and Inspection in Lymm

Our asbestos survey and inspection services are conducted by experienced professionals using advanced surveying techniques to identify, assess, and report on asbestos-containing materials in compliance with regulatory standards.

During the survey process, our experts meticulously examine various areas of a property, including ceilings, walls, floorings, and ductwork, to locate traces of asbestos presence. 

Specialised tools, such as borescopes, thermal imaging cameras, and air sampling equipment, are used to ensure comprehensive detection and analysis. 

The collected samples are sent to accredited laboratories for thorough testing to confirm the presence of asbestos fibres. 

The detailed inspection reports generated not only list the identified asbestos materials but also provide recommendations for safe removal or containment, following industry best practices.

Asbestos Removal and Disposal in Lymm

Our asbestos removal and disposal services ensure the safe and responsible handling of asbestos waste, including the removal of asbestos from roofs, ensuring minimal environmental impact and compliance with waste disposal regulations.

Our team follows industry best practices regarding asbestos removal from roofs to protect the environment and the community. We prioritise waste management practices that minimise any potential risks associated with asbestos materials. 

From the initial assessment to the final disposal, every step is meticulously planned to guarantee the safe and efficient removal of asbestos. 

Environmental considerations are at the core of our operations, ensuring that all regulatory requirements are met to safeguard the surroundings from any hazardous impact resulting from asbestos disposal.

Asbestos Encapsulation and Enclosure in Lymm

Our asbestos encapsulation and enclosure techniques involve the use of specialised materials and methods to contain asbestos fibres and prevent their release into the environment, ensuring long-term safety and protection.

One of the key aspects of our approach is utilising advanced barrier coatings and sealants that create a protective barrier over asbestos-containing materials, effectively encapsulating them to prevent any potential exposure.

Our skilled technicians employ precise enclosure methods, such as building airtight barriers around asbestos materials, to minimise the risk of further fibre release.

The use of state-of-the-art equipment and strict adherence to safety protocols ensure that the encapsulation and enclosure process is carried out efficiently and effectively.

Asbestos Management and Consultation in Lymm

Our asbestos management and consultation services provide comprehensive solutions for the remediation and safe handling of asbestos materials, ensuring regulatory compliance and effective management strategies tailored to each client’s needs.

Whether it’s identifying asbestos-containing materials, conducting thorough inspections, or creating customised management plans, our team is dedicated to delivering top-tier services. 

We follow strict regulatory compliance measures to ensure the safety of occupants and workers during remediation projects. 

From initial assessment to final clearance, we implement innovative remediation approaches that prioritise efficiency and reliability. 

Entrust your asbestos management needs to us, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with expert consultation and unmatched quality in the field.

What Are The Dangers of Asbestos?

Exposure to asbestos fibres can lead to serious health risks, including respiratory diseases, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. 

To minimise asbestos-related dangers, it is crucial to adhere to health and safety guidelines set by authorities like the Health and Safety Executive.

When inhaled or ingested, asbestos fibres can cause long-term damage to the lungs and respiratory system, leading to debilitating illnesses that may not manifest for years after initial exposure. 

Recognising the severity of these health risks, organisations like the Health & Safety Executive have established regulations to protect workers and the public from asbestos-related harm. 

Failure to follow these guidelines can result in devastating consequences, as asbestos exposure remains a persistent threat in various industries, requiring constant vigilance and proactive measures to safeguard against its detrimental effects.

Contact Us for Asbestos Services in Lymm

Contact us today for professional asbestos services tailored to your needs. Our team of experts is ready to assist you with all your asbestos removal, testing, and management requirements.

We understand the importance of swift and efficient service when handling asbestos-related concerns. 

Whether you are dealing with asbestos in your home, workplace, or any other property, our dedicated team is equipped to handle the task with precision and care.

With our vast experience in the industry, we are well-versed in the latest techniques and regulations surrounding asbestos management and removal. You can trust us to deliver top-notch service that prioritises your safety and satisfaction.

Don’t hesitate to contact us today to discuss your specific needs and to schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable team. Your peace of mind regarding asbestos matters is our priority.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Asbestos Services, and why are they important?

Asbestos Services are specialised companies that provide asbestos removal, abatement, and management services. 

Asbestos is a hazardous material that was used in building materials in the past and can cause serious health risks. 

Asbestos Services are essential in ensuring the safe and proper removal and management of asbestos in buildings.

How do I know if I need Asbestos Services?

If your building was built before the year 2000, it is highly likely that it contains asbestos. 

Asbestos Services can conduct a thorough inspection and testing to determine if your building contains asbestos and provide recommendations for removal or management.

What services do you offer as an Asbestos Services company?

As an Asbestos Services company, we offer a wide range of services, including asbestos removal, abatement, management, and testing. 

We also provide consultations, training, and advice on asbestos-related matters.

Are your Asbestos Services certified and accredited?

Our Asbestos Services are fully certified and accredited by relevant authorities in the UK. We adhere to strict industry standards and regulations to ensure the safety and quality of our services. 

Our team of professionals is trained and experienced in handling asbestos safely and effectively.

How long does the asbestos removal process take?

The duration of the asbestos removal process depends on various factors, such as the size of the building, the amount of asbestos present, and the type of asbestos.

 As a leading Asbestos Services company, we strive to complete the removal process as efficiently and quickly as possible while ensuring the safety of our clients and workers.

Do I need to vacate my building during asbestos removal?

For safety reasons, it is recommended that you vacate the building during asbestos removal.

 Our Asbestos Services team will work with you to develop a removal plan that minimises disruption and inconvenience to your daily activities. 

Safety is our top priority, and we will ensure that all necessary precautions are taken during the removal process.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great asbestos removal services in North West.

Here are some towns we cover near Lymm.

Cheshire, Warrington, Altrincham, Irlam, Hale

For more information on asbestos removal services in Lymm, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.


I recently enlisted Asbestos Services for a removal project, and I was thoroughly impressed by their professionalism and efficiency. Their team was knowledgeable and courteous, ensuring all work was completed safely and within the agreed timeframe. I highly recommend them for reliable asbestos management and removal

Jasmine James



Asbestos Services provided us with an exceptional service when we discovered asbestos in our older building. Their attention to detail and commitment to safety were outstanding. They handled everything with the utmost care, making the process stress-free. I would definitely use their services again and suggest them to anyone needing expert asbestos removal

Siobhan Bailey


About Us

Count on us for comprehensive asbestos services, including testing, management, and removal, ensuring the safety of your property.